A photograph of the building that housed the R.B Wing & Son Corp., located at 384 - 386 Broadway, in Albany, New York. A date of 1948 is given for this photograph. this building is four stories tall, with an image of a sailing ship located on the third floor. The ship is flanked by two sea creatures and the words "EST 1845". The ship's image is also carved into the shutters of the two windows on the third floor, and on the fourth floor is another window with the same set of shutters, these ones being closed. The first floor has a dispaly window with the word "Wing's" on the left and right side. To the left of the display window another pane of glass has the words, "Construction Equipment Industrial Supplies". The second floor houses a separate business, advetised with the signage, "Breining Bros. Paints-Varnishes" and "Roofing and Asbestos Products".